ConzervTM EM6400NG Series, The Nex Generation Workhorse
- Multifunction Energy meter with NextGen features like Harmonics Min/Max Monitoring, Digital security
- Energy Standard – Class 0.2/0.5S/1 as per IEC 62053-22 / 21
- Power quality analysis with THD & individual harmonics upto
- 15th over communication
- 13 different wiring configuration scheme
- Volts, Amps, PF, THD, F, W, Wh, VA, VAh, Var, Varh, Runhrs, Onhrs, Interupts, Preloaded Demand & Import /Export
- Min/Max Monitoring with Date/Time stamping
- Calibration LED and Heart beat LED for communication Status
- Communication: POP or RS485 port